Labels:book | bulletin board | compact disk | crt screen | monitor | plant | poster OCR: computer rt disc Jan/Feb 1997 CD-ROM for Mac and PC Wino OWS Draw 3PC The full ve S onif plus getting staried nual ofthis vector software The Image Bank new sampler (dual) The Preview Image 600 Bakik's wma library 3D modelling (Mac/PC) Software: Form Renderzone Fontographe dual) Create and render your own models Design powerful you fon own 113 ronts Tutorial: Wirefram es Free Fullrendering models walkthrough Plus Tree Pro Mac) Elastic Reality (dual) MiniCAD (PC Virtus Website Builder (dual) Corel Web Designer (PC) Exposure: digital gallery Wireframes supplied by Viewpoint and Wefrd Science arts Windows oniplus vecior from Fontog with fonteditol rendering walkthrougr Wafrd Scienc